Webinar: Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research

Photo byMiguel HenriquesonUnsplash

Register at this link to attend my webinar “Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research”, on Wednesday October 28, 2020 at 07:00 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time.

One way that COVID-19 has affected academic life is the massive disruption to conferences and other forms of in person scholarly communication. Personally, I’ve had four conferences that I planned on attending cancelled. This sudden change to academic communication and networking is even the focus of a number of higher education researchers.

One positive among all the disruption is that online conferences and symposia can actually become more accessible to more people. That is, if the planners give some careful thought to how they’ll do it and not simply attempt to move the conference online as-is. The National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services conference in November is a great example, with a small number of Zoom sessions supported by a range of submitted digital content.

All this has made me think: “if we want to share our work, why do we need to wait for a conference at all?” So, I’ve decided to independently offer a webinar in which I share my recently published article: “Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research: A citation network analysis”. I will share the main findings, of course, but also talk a little about how and why we wrote it and how I hope it can inform quality careers and employability learning. In addition, I’ll include some opportunities for participants to join breakout rooms so that they can meet and share their thoughts with other participants.

Register at this link to attend the webinar. Wednesday October 28, 2020 7:00 PM, Australian Eastern Standard Time

Michael Healy
Careers and employability learning expert

I am the National Manager, Career Education for myfuture.edu.au. I hold a PhD in careers and employability learning, with several publications to my name. I am passionate about promoting the value and impact of quality careers and employability learning.
